August 9, 2012

Giveaway Prize #4: 25pc Bundle Monster Stamping Plates 2012 + Stamping Plates Organizer

*This giveaway has ended. Thanks to all who entered!*

Last but certainly not least.. prize #4. The winner of this prize will receive the 25pc Bundle Monster Stamping Plates 2012 (set #3). And just when you think it can't get better the winner will also receive a handy plates organizer. Big thanks to Carol from Bundle Monster for sponsoring this fabulous prize!

You can enter this giveaway only by using the Rafflecopter Form below. Entering with a comment does not count.
  • You have to be a public follower of my blog. You can follow me by hitting the Google Friend Connect 'Join this site' button you see in the right side bar;
  • Like Bundle Monster's Facebook page for one additional entry;
  • Follow Bundle Monster on Twitter for one additional entry;
  • This giveaway is open internationally;
  • You can enter till the 23rd of August;
  • The winner will be notified via email. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen;
  • If you have a question you can always email me at thepolishedperfectionist (at) gmail (dot) com
Good luck to everyone who enters! :)