August 8, 2012

Giveaway Prize #3: Choose 4 Pupa Nail Polishes

*This giveaway has ended. Thanks to all who entered!*

The winner may choose four nail polishes from the brand Pupa: one from the Disco Neon collection, one from the Chrome collection, one from the Holographic collection and one from the Afro Chic collection. I recently tried two amazing polishes from the Holographic collection and I'm curious if the other collections are evenly stunning. The lucky winner will find out! Special thanks to the team over at Pupa Winkel for sponsoring this prize!

You can enter this giveaway only by using the Rafflecopter form below. Entering with a comment does not count.
  • You have to be a public follower of my blog. You can follow me by hitting the Google Friend Connect 'Join this site' button you see in the right sidebar;
  • This prize is only for residents of The Netherlands and Belgium;
  • You can enter till the 22nd of August;
  • The winner will be notified via email. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen;
  • If you have a question you can always email me at thepolishedperfectionist (at) gmail (dot) com
Good luck to everyone who enters! :)