December 3, 2010

Diamond Cosmetics - Chainmail Charm

Seeing the next picture you might think this one is nice, but also kinda blah...
Well, I tell you, my nails are on fiyah! Proof:
This polish is a-ma-zing!! Look at the :rainbow ! Do I hear angels singing..? Every time I wear Chainmail Charm I decide I want to wear it for the rest of my life.. But maybe that's not a good idea, you probably want to see other polishes too. ;)

The application was easy, 3 coats + topcoat.

Thanks for watching!! 


  1. Pure awesomeness! Dare I ask, is it better than CC Revvvolution??

  2. OHHHHHH I really like this color!!
    its so beautiful!!!
    where did you buy this one??
    I am in love!!

  3. @loodie loodie loodie, awesomeness to the max :D I don't have Revvvolution, so I don't know if CC is better. I hope it is! :O But lovely Miranda from posted a comparison just yesterday so maybe she can answer your question!

  4. I´m surprised this one looks much more charcoal than mine. Mine is definitely more dark brown. But as always, perfect nails and perfect pictures!

  5. Woah, that's one polish packed with COLOUR! *__* However, after looking at the comparison link you posted with Revvvolution, I think I'm sticking with Revvvolution ;).

  6. it's not blah at all it's amazing :)

  7. @Renate, haha, is it thát nice?! :P Thank you! I bought it at a Dutch webshop (

    @Miranda, hmm, different versions I think? When I look at my nails they match perfectly with the colour on the pictures: charcoal but definitely a hint of brown in it... Thanks!

    @loodie loodie loodie, you're welcome ;)

    @Sharon, yeah, rainbow all over! I don't mind you sticking with Revvv (lol). They're both dark holo's, what's not to like? :O

  8. BTW, your nails are not too shabby, if I do say so myself :)

  9. @alluring_mum, thanks!

    @loodie loodie loodie, phew.. ;) thanks! :D

  10. Oooooooooooh, awesome! I don't know if it's logical that I keep commeting your entires, since I always write the same thing. ;) Your perfect nails + perfect application + awesome holo polish = Perfection with a big P.

  11. It's so gorgeous! More than gorgeous. I love it so much! I love holo's in general, but this one has a special place in my heart. I want it!

  12. OH. MY. GOSH. thats holo heaven!!!!! :)

  13. @Ulmiel, you're so sweet! I can't say I hate reading your comments, haha, thank you so much!! :$

    @Silva, reading all the comments I think we are talking about a true crowd favourite!!

    @Katrina, I agree :D

  14. Black holo are the best, just as your nails :>

  15. Wow hij is écht heel erg mooi! Ik kwam via twitter op je blog, hij is erg leuk ♥

    Liefs Ilja

  16. @Ilja, ja, ik vind hem erg tof! Dank je wel! :$


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