November 29, 2010

Periwinkly Konadicure

I'm a big fan of subtle stamped nails. One way of achieving a subtle result is using colours lying close to each other (duh!) like the combination above. 

This is three coats of China Glaze - Secret Peri-Wink-Le and I stamped with an image from Konad imageplate M64. The polish I used for stamping is China Glaze - 2NITE. That one is ah-ah-awesome for stamping! And awesome in every other way. ♥

Thanks for watching!


  1. This is a gorgeous combination. I will have to remember 2nite is good forstamping

  2. I like your new design and the color as well. So pretty!

  3. I prefer subtle stamped nails too, and this one is just to die for. <3 Very nice!!

  4. @Scandalous, yes, I like it very much! You should really try 2nite for stamping!

    @gingerSnaps, thank you!

    @Ulmiel, ah, thanks! What's also great about subtle stamping: the little mistakes are not so visible... :O

  5. Very nice! I love tone-on-tone stamping like this.

  6. This is so awesome! I love holo on a creme, much more than creme on a holo!

  7. dit is echt fantastisch! heel mooi! Ik wil deze lakjes alletwee :)
    Ik volg je nu!

  8. Subtle stamped nails looks really sophisticated. Love it!
    And Secret Peri-Wink-Le goes to my imaginary polish wishlist. :D

  9. @KarenD, I'm glad you like it! :)

    @Silva, I think it's my first time stamping a holo on a creme and indeed: awesome! Thanks!

    @Lois, dank je wel!

    @Liene, thank you! Ah, the imaginary polish wishlists, I have one of those :P

  10. How pretty! I might need some konad in my life.

  11. ohhh wat een mooie creatie!!
    ik vind hem helemaal geweldig!!
    mooie kleurtjes ook..!!

  12. @loodie loodie loodie, thank you! Yes, you probably need konad some time 'cause it rocks! :D

    @Renate, dank je wel! :$

    @Smaltoitaliano, thanks!

  13. this is a perfect match! I 2NITE and periwinkel are my fav polishes ever. I didn't realized they would stamp so well together, I will have try it soon =)

  14. @shortwidenails, my thought exactly, you should try them together!


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