December 9, 2010

Comparison: Catrice - Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans! & Essence - Underwater

When I polished my nails with Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans! from Catrice it reminded me of Underwater (the 2nd version) from Essence. So I made a quick comparison:
As you can see they look quite similar, Underwater is a teeny tiny bit less blue and slightly more dusty. But other than that, dupe alert! :O Not very strange, Catrice being Essence's big sister (they share the same manufacturer). 

HQWBJ! does come in a bigger bottle (10 ml against the one from Essence which contains 5 ml) and the brush is a little bit wider. I didn't experience any difference in application. When it comes to the wear & tear... that's something I'll have to test in the future. :)

Thanks for watching!


  1. thanks for the comparison! I have HQWBJ! and wanted to get Underwater, too. Now I now I don't have to bother looking for it :)

  2. Hi ! I just found out about your blog, i really like it ! The only thing is that your pictures don't show up when i use mozilla firefox ? :(

  3. @Lois, you're welcome! Now you can save a little money :O

    @karolien, thank you! Oh no, that's not good, it's all about the pictures! Don't know what I can do about that.. :(

  4. thank you for the comparison, so I'll definitely buy Hip queens I like it better when it's more blue, and catrice has a better brush in my opinion

  5. @Lendoxia, I'm glad the comparison was useful! Catrice has an awesome brush and the colours aren't that different, so good choice.. :)

  6. I own them both and never would have thought that they were so similar, thank you for such a great comparison!! :)

  7. I knew it! I suspected it was the same, but I don't have Catrice, though I do have Essence. Now I don't have to buy HQWBJ, thanks :) I think I might prefer Underwater, I like dusty colors :)

  8. @Lolaa, you're welcome :)

    @Silva, I suspected the same and there you have it, they almost are! :D I think I prefer Underwater too, I like them dusty ;)


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