
December 9, 2010

Comparison: Catrice - Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans! & Essence - Underwater

When I polished my nails with Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans! from Catrice it reminded me of Underwater (the 2nd version) from Essence. So I made a quick comparison:
As you can see they look quite similar, Underwater is a teeny tiny bit less blue and slightly more dusty. But other than that, dupe alert! :O Not very strange, Catrice being Essence's big sister (they share the same manufacturer). 

HQWBJ! does come in a bigger bottle (10 ml against the one from Essence which contains 5 ml) and the brush is a little bit wider. I didn't experience any difference in application. When it comes to the wear & tear... that's something I'll have to test in the future. :)

Thanks for watching!