November 3, 2010

Ombre Manicure

Last night I couldn't sleep and when I can't sleep my thoughts go everywhere, 'what am I going to wear tomorrow', 'what shall I put on my nails'.. Yeah, big worries, I know. :O 

I decided to make an ombre manicure. That was a big trend like a year ago, I'm thát slow in picking up trends, hehe. I can try to describe how to do it, but showing a picture is waaay easier!
The polishes I used (from thumb to pinkie): China Glaze-For Audrey, Catrice-I Sea You!, Catrice-Sea Of Green, Diamond Cosmetics-Don't Teal My Heart Away and P2-Dangerous.

Although it isn't the most ombre-like mani, I really like the result! It's also very fun to do; looking and testing what polishes would be nice together. If you're slow in picking up trends like me and haven't tried this mani yet, you should! :i

Thanks for watching!


  1. love the photography for this! very professional looking!

  2. Ooooh wow, I didn't know about this kind of manicure but seeing the picture, it makes sense, and it's so beautiful!
    Congratulations and thank you so much for the inspiration :)

  3. @Jamie K., thanks!

    @Lolaa, oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one not knowing about this manicure :O Thank you!

  4. @Miranda, cool huh? I bet you have enough purples to make nice purple ombre nails! :)

  5. Hahaha, I think I do, but don´t have a lot of cremes though...

  6. Maybe you can give it a try with crazy glitter polishes than.. ;)

  7. Hahaha, that´s an idea. Glitter skittles :P
    Will do something like that someday. For now I have way too much to show, since the Accessorize came in this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow morning so I can swatch them.

  8. Yay! for the arrived Accessorize polishes! :party
    I'm really looking forward seeing your swatches! I hope the weather will be good..

  9. The weather wasn't good but I swatched them anyway :D And the colors are awesome!! Not as many dupes as I thought.

  10. Great! And also great that they aren't as 'dupey' as you thought :O


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