November 4, 2010

Essence - Glisten Up

When I caught myself staring (again!) at the ombre nails I did yesterday I got the idea to spice them up a bit. Therefore I used Essence Glisten Up, what a masterpiece! Flakies and glitter, you can't go wrong with those. :tup for Essence! I hope they keep making polishes like this one... 

Glisten Up is very sheer, so I recommend layering it. As you can see it shows best on top of a dark(er) polish, like P2-Dangerous on my pinkie.
And a close-up for more flakey and glittery gorgeousness.. *drools*
Thanks for watching!


  1. Pretty!! The pinky and middle fingers are my favorite.

  2. @Smaltoitaliano & ChaosButterfly, thanks! My favourite is the effect on the pinkie nail :)


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