March 5, 2013

Cirque - Lonesome George

Cirque Lonesome George
Cirque Lonesome George
What better way to celebrate a sunny day than with a beautiful prismatic shade? I chose to wear Lonesome George from Cirque. Now, you may know that I have a weak spot for green prismatics, so it's no surprise that I think this one's extremely pretty! The formula was nice and smooth, I used two coats (no top coat).

I also want to show you a little comparison with the green prismatic nail polishes I own. No dupes here. If I háve to choose a favourite I'd go for Lonesome George because of the intense prismatic effect. Also, I like my prismatic sparkles a bit more scattered than smooth like you see in Reclaim.
comparions green prismatic nail polishes (Nubar Reclaim, Cirque Lonesome George + a england Dragon
Lonesome George is part of Cirque's Objet d'Art collection and is available on the Cirque website.

Thanks for watching! :h

*The product(s) in this post was/were sent to me for reviewing purposes.
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