October 31, 2012

Rainbow Sprinkled Free Hugs

Essence Free Hugs + JENsations Rainbow Sprinkles
I can't tell you how much I've missed my polished nails and blogging about it! The eczema on my fingers is not entirely gone, but it looks and feels much better. Thanks for all the sweet comments on my previous post. ♥
JENsations Rainbow Sprinkles
Today I'm showing you Rainbow Sprinkles, a super gorgeous glitter topper from JENsations. I love it so much, look how cheery and colourful! For this mani I dabbed the glitter only on the tips. The base colour I'm wearing is Free Hugs from Essence; I had to use three coats to get an even surface. Free Hugs has a deeper pink tone in real life.
Essence Free Hugs + JENsations Rainbow Sprinkles (close-up)
You can find Rainbow Sprinkles in Jen's Etsy shop for $8,00 (10 ml).

Thanks for watching!