August 23, 2012

OPI - Number One Nemesis with Paisley Design

OPI Number One Nemesis + Essie School of Hard Rocks + Bundle Monster plate bm-315 and China Glaze 2030
One of the prettiest designs from Bundle Monster's new stamping plate set must be the paisley design from plate BM-315. I love it! At first I stamped this design with China Glaze - 2030 over three coats of Number One Nemesis from OPI (see picture below). I'm not crazy about the result, at most angles the paisley pattern wasn't very noticeable because of the sparkly base colour. So today I removed it and applied Number One Nemesis again with Essie - School of Hard Rocks on some accent nails. This time I used the paisley pattern only on the accent nails. Aah, much better! 
OPI Number One Nemesis + Bundle Monster plate bm-315 and China Glaze 2030

Thanks for watching! :h