December 14, 2011

Speciallità - Zeus

When Daniela from the Brazillian nail polish brand Speciallità asked me if I wanted to review the Hits No Olimpo collection, my answer was yes. YES. A collection with thirteen prismatic shades, how could I say no to that? The Hits No Olimpo polishes are all named after Olympian gods and goddesses. Today I'm showing you Zeus, a charcoal polish with fine prismatic particles. It also has a subtle gold flashing shimmer. The prismatic effect is really intense, I couldn't believe my eyes! This is so freakin' awesome. *drools* The fomula was nice, I used three thin coats, no top coat. 
The Hits No Olimpo polishes cost around $4 (for 6 ml) at Speciallità. The site's written in Portuguese, but  exploring it isn't so hard due to easy navigation. Please note that these polishes aren't Big 3 Free, they contain toluene and formaldehyde. 

*The product(s) in this post was/were sent to me for reviewing purposes.
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