November 12, 2011

a england - Perceval

On the a england website this nail polish is described as a 'splendid and resplendent red'. And that's what Perceval is! I really like this glowy red, the shimmer in it is so beautiful. I wish I could show you a picture taken in sunlight; sadly the sun was shy when I was photographing my nails. But I'm sure this red will rock my nails more than once the coming season (and beyond), so maybe I'll post a nice sunlight picture later. The formula was nice, I needed two coats for full opacity. 

Oh, don't forget it's The Gothic Month at a-england! Out of these five mysterious shades I've tried Camelot and King Arthur, I can totally recommend those two. ♥
Thanks for watching!

*The product(s) in this post was/were sent to me for reviewing purposes. 
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