September 6, 2011

Franken Fun: Confetti Sky

I'm always intrigued by those jelly nail polishes with large multi-coloured glitter floating in them, for example those glitter bombs from Deborah Lippmann. But I find those quite expensive and a bit too glittery, so what to do..? Franken one! The result: Confetti Sky, a blue jelly with multi-coloured and multi-sized glitter. I can't believe how pretty this came out, the amount of glitter is just enough for me and the blue base looks so delish and squishy... And it's ridiculously easy to do! Fun times. :) 

-half a bottle of Essence - Clear As Ice
-half a bottle of Essence - Circus Confetti
-a few drops of Catrice - Blue Cara Ciao

Thanks for watching!