August 31, 2011

The Most Special Day Of The Year

August 31st is a very special day for me. Not only are my husband and I celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary today (♥), I'm also celebrating one year of blogging, yay! :party 

I almost can't believe it... This blog, one year old. I guess it's safe to say that I really love doing this! I've been struggling with dysthymia (chronic depression, for more info: try Google!) for years and it turns out the blogging thing is a welcome distraction. I want to thank my lovely readers for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments. Without you it wouldn't be half as fun! *muah*
This morning I decided to wear the nail polish I wore exactly one year ago: Orly - Space Cadet. That time I used four coats, so I wanted to see how it looked layered over another polish. This is two coats of Space Cadet over one coat of p2 - Dangerous. It's so blingy, love it.

Oh, and a party ain't a party without delicious noms, right? So go ahead... have a taste! ^_^
Thanks for watching!