July 4, 2011

a england - Iseult

My first experience with the brand a england was a great one! While I was staring at my nails, amazed by the stunning Tristam, I received an email from the inspiring owner and creator of a england, Adina. She is such a sweet lady and asked me if I wanted to try some other nail polishes from The Mythicals line. Well, how could I resist an offer like that? Today I'm showing you Iseult - according to legend the mythical figures Tristam and Iseult shared a forbidden and undying love caused by (accidentally) drinking from a love potion.
Iseult is a light pink nail polish with silver shimmer. What a soft and delicate shade, it makes my nails look like pearls: love! The shimmer in Isuelt is amazing and I like the fact that it's also clearly visible in low light. My experience with light pink nail polishes is that they can be quite streaky, Isuelt is no exception. But after applying three coats (no top coat) all streaks were covered and I must say that I'm surprised by how opaque it looks! The drying time was longer than average, so when I'm wearing this gorgeous, soft pink again I'll definitely apply a layer of quick drying top coat.
You can get a england nail polishes for £9.00 each. A little on the expensive side for me, but wow, these polishes are beauties! And you know what's great? The company offers free shipping until July 15th. :)

Thanks for watching!

*The product(s) in this post was/were sent to me for reviewing purposes.
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