April 7, 2011

Surprise Haul: Catrice

What is better than buying nail polishes yourself? Nail polishes bought by a loved one, in this case my husband! I had a rough couple of days (a migraine is bad, a depression is worse and the combination of these two is very unpleasant, yuk!) and then my husband surprised me with six gorgeous nail polishes. He sure knows how to cheer me up! :L And he sure knows my kind of colours, he-he.

From left to right: Dirty Berry, Forget-Me-Not!, Purplelized, Just Berried!, Iron Mermaiden & Sir! Yes, Sir!

On to the nail polish, these are some of the new polishes from the brand Catrice. A year ago or so Catrice got a makeover which they started with a new range of polishes. One of the new ones then was Sold Out Forever, a beautiful mint green. Oh man, I remember I was on a serious hunt to get that one! And now I have it for a long, long time and it's still one of my untrieds. It's just sad, lol. Uhm, where was I ..? The makeover continued, Catrice started to sell new eyeshadows, lip glosses, etc. and more important: they designed around 18 (!) new nail polishes to add to the range that came out last year. Yay! for that. I know a lot of Dutch girls are on a hunt for these new polishes, so was I. The nearest drugstore that sells Catrice is always slow with new products, so you can understand how happy I am with these!

How awesome is that duo/multichrome?

Thanks for watching!