March 30, 2011

Teeez - Cool

A couple of weeks ago the lovely Miranda showed swatches of some Teeez nail polishes. I was immediately intrigued! I don't know what it is with me and prismatic polishes... *sigh* So, I went searching for Teeez. About the brand:

"TEEEZ trendy cosmetics is a Dutch-based hip and fashionable cosmetics company.
TEEEZ trendy cosmetics offers makeup for eyes, lips, nails and body.
Have Fun, Get Noticed, Be TEEEZED... "  

 Yay! It's Dutch. :) When I was looking for places where I could buy their products it turned out a shop right around the corner of my house sells them without me knowing it. How is that for a surprise! But onto one of the polishes I bought, this is Teeez - Cool 02.
And it's certainly pretty cool, I would describe it as an azure coloured polish with a scattered prismatic effect. Blue + prismatic glitter = a total win in my book! The only thing I don't like about the polish are the flowery stickers on the bottle, it looks a bit cheap, but the polish itself is really awesome. The application was good, I used three thin coats, but you could get away with two thicker coats. The brush is somewhat flat, nice to work with. 
Teeez polishes cost €4,50 (10 ml), but they were 50% off, lucky me. :O

Now I'm off to the kitchen, today is bake day! Thanks for watching.