February 25, 2011

Nfu Oh #62

I finally tried one of the prismatic/holographic polishes from Nfu Oh, this is #62! I would describe it as a light almond coloured polish with a hint of pink and a smooth, silky finish if that makes sense... Very chique! The polish contains very small particles that cause an in-your-face rainbow on the nail in bright light. Even in normal daylight there's still a subtle rainbow visible at some angles. Some prismatic polishes become dull in low light, but with this one: never a dull moment. 8) It's an incredibly awesome polish!

I applied it over one coat of Nfu Oh's Aqua Base, a great basecoat for lineair prismatic polishes like this one (and I heard it's also great as a base for matte polishes, I have to try that soon!). This is two coats of #62, no topcoat.

Thanks for watching!