February 17, 2011

Cute Kitty (& Doggy)

Yesterday I showed you the fimo canes I got from Born Pretty Store (a webshop with tons of awesome nail art products). These canes are so.. SO cute! And there are so many of them... I had a hard time deciding which one I'd use first! As you can see I chose a cute pink kitty. On my ringfingers and thumbs I'm wearing Trind - CC117 and on the rest of my nails Wife Goes On from Essie. They're both awesome polishes, really pigmented too, this is two coats with topcoat (and an extra layer of topcoat to seal the fimo slices). The Essie one reminds me a lot of nice sunny days, because I wore it a lot last summer. And as it is really sunny today, I thought it would be a good time to use it again!
Applying the slices of the kitty fimo cane wasn't the easiest thing to do. You have to cut very thin slices, otherwise the fimo won't follow the curve of your nail and make your nail look and feel very bumpy (the surface of your nail will always look/feel a bit bumpy with fimo, unless you're ok with using half a bottle of topcoat of course ^^ ). And I think it's better to use a drop of nail glue instead of topcoat to apply the fimo and make it stay on longer. Ah well, I think these fimo canes are adorable! :L
Our dog is also enjoying the sun today, lol!
She can look a bit less dumb too... ^_^
Thanks for watching!!

*The product(s) in this post was/were sent to me for reviewing purposes. 
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