January 27, 2011

Catherine Arley #803

normal daylight - sunlight
It may come to you as a surprise, but I have another Catherine Arley polish for you today! This time it's #803, a lime green prismatic polish. If ogre Fiona would want a sparkly nude, this is the one for her. :O It's very sparkly, especially in sunlight! The prismatic particles don't show a full-on rainbow, most of the time you'll see yellow, orange, green and a blue green. I hate to say it, but I don't like this colour on me at all, it's too yellow-toned and apparently that doesn't compliment my skin tone. But I'll definitely try it again in summertime, when I have a little tan!

I also have a little comparison for you guys with Hi-Tech from Milani. As you can see the Milani one is much lighter, less yellow-toned and less bright if that makes sense. Another difference is the size of the prismatic particles; the ones in Hi-Tech are a bit bigger. Application wise: no differences actually. If I had to choose one I'd go for Hi-Tech, because the colour looks better against my skin tone. 

The application of #803 was good! I wouldn't say it's sheer, but I still needed three coats. It applied very nicely, so I don't mind. :) I didn't use a topcoat.

Thanks for watching!

PS, I recommend looking at my post about #667 again, because I added a picture which shows real holo yummyness. Oh, how I love the sunshine! These polishes definitely come to life when sunlight is added.. :L