December 17, 2010

Storage Tip: Image Plates

No nails in this post, but something about storing image plates for stamping. I tried different ways for storing those shiny plates. Keeping them in the original package didn't work out, because I often decide to stamp just after painting my nails and opening something could ruin my mani. Then I used a little business card book, but the plates always fell out when I tried to flip a page, not handy. So I wanted to store the plates where I can get them easily without ruining my freshly painted nails. This is how I store them at the moment (you may laugh now.. ;)). I used a cheap ass sponge, cut some slices in it and voilá. I think it's great, I can get the plates without damaging my polished nails and I can still see what plates are in it. Another thing, now that I can see them, I stamp more often, yay!
I know, it takes some space, but hey, my nail polish bottles do too :O. How do you guys store your image plates?

Thanks for watching!

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