October 18, 2010

Pink Ribbon - Polish Your Pinkie Pink

As you all may know October is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Etos (a Dutch drugstore) asked women to polish their little finger nail with a pink polish during this month to raise awareness for this type of cancer. They also brought out some special Pink Ribbon polishes; a part of the proceed goes to the Pink Ribbon foundation. I haven't bought them, beacuse I feel more comfortable donating money directly to the foundation (and I didn't like the polishes that much..).

Anyway, I polished my pinkie pink with Barry M - Shocking Pink. The polish I used on the rest of my nails is Zoya - Kelly. And as you can see I added a ribbon to my ringfinger, which I drew by hand with a little nail art brush and a couple of pink polishes (don't know which ones exactly, as long as it's pink :) ). 

Thanks for watching!


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